Reflections of the Earth

Reflections of the Earth
In a field in the outskirts of Rome

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Night Out on the Town

What is a typical night out on the town like here in the city of Haifa? I am glad you asked. If you assumed that it involvs eating a burger and going to a pub, you have safely assumed the right answer.

Lets start at the beginning...

6pm--Monday and Tuesday this is the time I get out of class, I am usually tired, unmotivated to do any more homework required of me, and generally am uninterested in sitting at my computer in my room.

6:30pm--After giving myself some time to check email, facebook, the news, and any other random thing I am interested in (EMS games or news...I know I know, its lame), I tend to call my friends to find out if there is any interest at all in going to a pub. Often times, from certain friends, I get a "oh, I am not really in the mood to drink tonight, but thank you" or the famous "I have a lot of work to do" excuse. Its ok, I usually have my designated drinker on board anyway, so I can handle the this point I call Steve...we decide the time to meet...lets say for the sake of this story its 7:30pm

7:30 pm--I get on the 37 bus to Khorev Center and meet Steve down the road near Denya. At Khorev Center we transfer to the 123 bus to Newe Sha'anan. On the way we decide what pub to go to, again for the sake of the story and to explain a really cool feature in some Israeli pubs, lets go with the Second Floor pub in Newe Sha'anan.

8:15pm--We arrive to the pub and order our first drink. The cool feature in this and some other Israeli pubs is the 1 + 1 Happy Hour. From 6-9 you buy one beer and once you finish it completely you get the same beer in the same size glass for free. Buy one, get one it. We also order the burger which is very good at this place.

8:45--So lets say we are drinking semi-quickly tonight and for the sake of argument we finish in 30 minutes, we then receive our second beer. At around this time or a little sooner, depending on how crowded the place is and how many waitresses are working, we get our burgers.

9:45/10 pm--We have finished our second beer and burgers (usually Steve have finished both in record time and I am usually stuck with a quarter or more of a beer left and chips still on my plate). We pay for the bill and hop on the 123 bus to Khorev, then transfer to the 37. Steve gets off at the top of the hill in Denya and either hitch hikes home or walks. I continue back to the university in a thoroughly happy state, fed and buzzed.

This is a typical weekday night...this is of course excluding soccer nights which will be explained in a future post.

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